Students step into the Senior School in Year 10 and our program now focuses on activities and tasks that healthily stretch students in all areas of the curriculum. This allows them to deeply know themselves as learners and experience success both personally and communally. An intensive focus on a music theatre piece, performed by the full cohort early in the year, is an experience unique to Glenaeon. Work on the production brings students together and teaches them that high standards can be attained through dedication and hard work. They also complete a trek in Tasmania and an Outdoor Ed experience. These experiences spill over into other aspect of school life and students then enter with determination into their Year 10 academic studies in preparation for Years 11 and 12.

YEARS 11 & 12
HSC Plus
Our Year 11 and 12 program represents the synthesis and culmination of the Glenaeon journey. It provides a rigorous and dynamic education — an education which meets the needs and questions of young men and women as they stand on the threshold of adult life.
As well as the Higher School Certificate (HSC), with 25+ courses on offer, each student undertakes Glenaeon developed modules which broaden their educational experience and contextualises their learning in intellectual, social-emotional and practical spheres. These modules are drawn from the academic, artisan, altruistic, and active-wilderness pillars of a Glenaeon education. Upon completion, students receive both the HSC and the Glenaeon Record of Accomplishment (GRoA).
A Glenaeon graduate receives a complete education and finishes secondary studies with an inquisitive mind, an open demeanour and the confidence that they can contribute meaningfully throughout the 21st century.